July 12, 2013

Apple Classroom Theme

Planning an apple theme? Let us help! Here are some great ideas and resources for your classroom.

Fun Ideas

1. Incentive Tree. Create an apple tree in a prominent place in your room (can be a stick in a pot or a wall display). purchase little apple ornaments or cut out paper ones. When you observe your class exhibiting good behavior, hang an apple on the tree. When the tree is full, reward them with a class prize. Here are some free and easy rewards you could use.

2. Have an 'Apple a Day' Student. Make a poster that says: "This apple-a-day earned a big fat 'ole A!" Choose a different example of A+ student work to display on this poster each day to encourage students to strive for outstanding work.

3. Apple Tree Book Club. Have each student color an empty tree on a sheet of paper. Using cut-outs of apples or apple stickers, write the name of a book on each one as the students finish reading it (and pass the AR test if you school is involved in that). Students can place their apples on their tree and earn a reward when they've filled their tree up.

Classroom Labels

  • On your door: "Welcome to Mr./Mrs. _______'s Apple Farm!"
  • Reading / Circle Time Area: The Apple Orchard
  • Teacher's Desk: Famer _______________'s Apple Stand
  • Sink: Apple Cleaning Area
  • Coat Closet: The Apple Barn

Gadgets and Goodies

(Use for open house!)

Bulletin Board Ideas

1. Welcome to Class:

     "I've got the best apples in the bunch!"

2. Display Student Work: Create a large tree on a wall or board (or use this one). Cut out apples or use these and place them on your tree. On each apple, write a student's name. Use pushpins to display a good piece of work by each student's apple. Title: "A+ Apples!"

3. Job Chart: Write jobs on cut-outs of apple baskets. Display them on the job chart board. Write each student's name on a cut-out apple Place the apples in the job basket that that student was assigned too.

Bulletin Board Sets & Borders       

Want some more great ideas? Read more of our great tips on classroom organization and subscribe to my feed so you don't miss any future tips!

Do you have a great apple-themed idea? Please be ever-so-kind and share it with us in the comments!

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