April 23, 2013

Before and After: Color Coordinating

I love love LOVE seeing before and after pictures. And without an exception, every time I see one, I have this thought:

"Oh, I could SO do that too!"

Yeah...we all know how that turns out. But that won't stop me from enjoying some great classroom makeover pictures and sharing them with you!

Kelly from Teaching Fourth used a cohesive color scheme (and a lot of paint!) to take her room to the next level. While most of us can't paint our rooms, we can raid the dollar store for every green and orange container they have! We can also 'paint' the back of our shelves by putting up in contact paper or poster board. Another option would be to cover cardboard with your favorite fabric or paint color and use poster adhesive or masking tape to hang it up.



Hop on over HERE to see more about this makeover.

See more Before & After Classroom Makeovers!

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea for using a fabric-covered board to dress up the back of shelves. I did that on one of my shelves and it looks great!! Thanks!
