April 1, 2013

Easy Classroom Decorations

It's your lucky day, because you get to benefit from my obsession love for all things Pinterest! During the Pinterest Inspired Classroom series, I will be sharing some of my favorite pins with you in the hope that it will make your classroom just a bit more Pintastic. (Get it? PIN-tastic? PIN-terest? Just a little pin-humor, for ya there. Heehee.)

And now for today's featured pins:

Ballard Bunch shares this easy tutorial on how to make this crayon wreath. 

And check out this super simple idea from One Charming Party for your pencil cup, pen container, lunch cards jar, etc. Just tuck your pencil container inside a mason jar and fill the space between the two with letters.

I mean, seriously people, we probably have the supplies to make both of these projects in our classroom right at this very moment. No more excuses for the plain Jane classroom, am I right? :) 

Love this idea? I have a ton more on my Pinterest board. I'd love it if you'd follow me!

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