April 22, 2013

Using Dry Erase Circles in the Classroom

It's your lucky day, because you get to benefit from my obsession love for all things Pinterest! During the Pinterest Inspired Classroom series, I will be sharing some of my favorite pins with you in the hope that it will make your classroom just a bit more Pintastic. (Get it? PIN-tastic? PIN-terest? Just a little pin-humor, for ya there. Heehee.)

And now for today's featured pin:

Keri from Kinder Keri's Awesome Owls shares how she used dry erase circles on her reading table to save instructional time. No lugging out the boards or having to store them...each student already had a personal space ready to write on! 

I can see these being very useful on the wall or door as well:

  • Make a fun polka-dotted homework board by writing the assignment for one subject in each circle. 
  • Make a giant game board by placing them on the floor (or back with cardboard circles to make them movable) and write different points or actions on each one. (Ex: When as student gets to the circle marked '3' and answers a trivia question correctly, their team gets 3 points).
  • Put one on every desk and students would have an instant dry erase board for any subject.
A cheaper option would be to purchase adhesive vinyl and have them cut out into circles (or any shape you want!). A Cricut or Silhouette machine would make this even easier. 

(Hmmm...I happen to own the Silhouette...I think I see some dry erase circles in my very near future!)

Love this idea? I have a ton more on my Pinterest board. I'd love it if you'd follow me!

1 comment:

  1. Dry erase circles! Where have you been all my life? ;)
