June 24, 2013

Before & After: Create a Display Area

I love love LOVE seeing before and after pictures. And without an exception, every time I see one, I have this thought:

"Oh, I could SO do that too!"

Yeah...we all know how that turns out. But that won't stop me from enjoying some great classroom makeover pictures and sharing them with you!

Jodi from Clutter-Free Classroom found an easy and inexpensive solution to the big blank space over her white board:

I love how she used colored duct tape to make the area coordinate with her room's color scheme. I also love that she used items that are easily found in any Walmart or school supply store- so they should be accessible to just about everyone!

Here's a snapshot of the way she created this extra display area:

Hop on over to Clutter-Free Classroom to read more about this makeover.

Love these ideas? See more Before & After Makeovers!

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