January 15, 2014

DIY Student Data Organizer For Your Desk

A few months ago, I shared this great little pin I found on my Pinterest board, BEST Teaching Tips & Tools. We brainstormed a bunch of ideas for how we might use this display in a classroom setting. 

I received an email from a lovely reader named Michelle last week who saw this post. She teaches in the middle/high school setting and had some great ideas for using this display in a secondary classroom. She suggested using it as a quick reference for student data that you could keep on your desk. Here's what she wrote:

"The teacher's desk version could include the following:  
- class rosters
- seating charts
- daily agendas
- standards/benchmarks per unit
- weekly lesson plans
- charts/graphs of class achievement data 
- group assignments/arrangements 
- textbook numbers
- participation tracking sheets.  

These are things that we normally keep in separate binders or plan books.  If student data was coded (to protect privacy!), then the information would all be very helpful for the regular teacher on a daily basis but for paraprofessionals in and out of the room different days/times, substitutes, progress monitors, administrators, and other visitors needing to see class data without interrupting your teaching and students' learning, too!  ELA teachers in middle and high school classrooms could also track books read by students throughout the year for silent reading time without having to dig in a file card box or student notebooks."  

Wow! I love these ideas and I love that she was able to take something useful she found here and think outside the box. Thanks for sharing, Michelle!

To see the original post, click here

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