January 9, 2014

Super Teacher Tip #11: Create a RAK Club

Teach character education in a fun way by starting a RAK Club (Random Acts of Kindness Club). One things I started doing in my first or second year of teaching was a month RAK Club activity. Each student in my class was allowed to be in our RAK Club and we would take a few minutes each month to brainstorm one way we could do a Random Act of Kindess that month. (I know- I know, not so very random, but it got the point across!)

We had so much fun participating in these events throughout the year and the parents really got into the spirit of it as well. Here are just a few RAKs we did around our school:

  • Made treats for the other teachers
  • Created signs to hang in the bathroom reminding students to keep the bathrooms clean to help our janitors
  • Picked up trash around the school grounds
  • Helped our janitors stack the chairs after lunch
  • Did a super silent clean for another teacher (where we attacked her room with wipes and disinfectant for 3 minutes).
  • Made cards to give our principal and office staff. 

Does this sound fun? Why don't you create a RAK Club in your room? Here's a few more RAK Club ideas to get you started. I post one idea each month, so be sure to subscribe to YTA or sign up to receive updates via email in the sidebar at the left of the screen.

Do you have a fun Random Act of Kindness Idea for our classrooms?

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What's a"Super Teacher?" Any teacher that's trying his or her very best to create effective teaching moments and provide a positive classroom environment.  We Super Teachers aren't perfect teachers by a long-shot, but we are always striving to become better teachers. Read more Super Teacher Tips here!

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