January 27, 2014

Super Teacher Tip #12: Use Recycled Objects To Organize

Use recycled items to organize your classroom. You all know that a passion of mine is finding little, creative ways to save some money! Well, this Super Teacher tip hits that goal right on the head.

We all want rooms that are organized, functional, and just a teensy tiny bit cute, right? But we don't want (or at least we can't afford to want) to spend hundreds on the high-priced- granted cute- baskets and containers that line the store shelves. Unless, of course, that store is the Dollar Tree. Love me some Dollar Tree, folks! Just knowing that I can literally afford to buy any item in that store makes me excited. We took my preschooler there for Christmas and let him pick out presents for his relatives- any present he wanted- and you wouldn't believe what he picked out for some of them.

  • Snow-in-a-can....for his Gramma who lives in New York. Like she needs any more snow.
  • Plastic Grapes..."cuz Gramme gives me grapes."
  • A Peanut's character toothbrush....for his Gramps...not really sure what he's trying to imply with that one. ;)


Back to the point of this post...

The Dollar Tree is a great place to find cheap organizing gizmos, but another good (and free) option is your recycling bin. Many of the packages that our new gadgets or food items come in are study and perfect for storing things in our room. And bonus: when Sarah accidentally drops the coffee container with the crayons in and and Johnny accidentally smashes it with his foot, you can just replace it with another one. (You know, instead of collapsing in a crying fit on the floor because that container cost a day's worth of wages. You know, instead of that moment happening.)

Check out this post I wrote sharing a bunch of easy ways to take recycled objects and turn them into useful ways to organize your room.

It's Your Turn: How have you used recycled items in your room?
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What's a"Super Teacher?" Any teacher that's trying his or her very best to create effective teaching moments and provide a positive classroom environment.  We Super Teachers aren't perfect teachers by a long-shot, but we are always striving to become better teachers. Read more Super Teacher Tips here!

Want to share some of your own Super Teacher Tips? Just leave a comment below.

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