February 10, 2014

Before and After: Updated Desk Chair

I love love LOVE seeing before and after pictures. And without an exception, every time I see one, I have this thought:

"Oh, I could SO do that too!"

Yeah...we all know how that turns out. But that won't stop me from enjoying some great classroom makeover pictures and sharing them with you!

Okay folks, I'll be honest here. Every time I write one of these before and after posts, I get a tad bit jealous of all those teachers out there who are still in the classroom and have a room they can do some diy magic in. However, with this before and after, I am thinking that I might get a chance to do my own little chair makeover here at home. I have a kid-sized rocking chair that just might fit the bill.


Here's the pic for your enjoyment:

    Before....                                      and after....

Isn't is amazing what a coat of paint and a bit of fabric can do? I always thought that recovering chairs would be hard until I actually did the seats of my dining room set. Time consuming? Yes. Hard? No.

Here's a good tutorial on how to recover wooden chairs, in case you also have one of these rolling around your classroom.

It's Your Turn: Have you ever done any chair remodels for your classroom...or home?

Love these ideas? See more Before & After Makeovers!

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