June 6, 2014

Happy Friday! {Teacher Humor}

Happy Friday folks! I saw this as I was aimlessly traveling through WebWorld tonight and just laughed out loud:

Is that not So Stinkin' True?!

I can vividly remember this happening a handful of years ago: 

My husband and I had just moved to a new town and we went over to a new friend's house to hang out with a few couples we had just met. My first mistake was agreeing to go somewhere in public on a Friday night. My second was finding a comfortable place to relax. At the super late hour of 8:30, I curled up on their son's little Spiderman foldout chair thingy and promptly fell asleep. Mind you, these were relatively new friends. We were definitely not in the 'fall asleep on the Spiderman couch' phase yet. 

That story has been retold a few different times when we get together with those friends. In fact, my inability to stay awake on a Friday night has become a bit of an inside joke. 

But for the record, I'd like to state that now that I've become a stay-at-home mom, I can stay up past 8:30 on a Friday night....all the way to 9 (it's 8:57 as I write this post). ;)  

And now, my bloggy friends....good night.

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