April 13, 2013

Polka Dot Classroom Theme

Planning a polka dot theme? Let us help! Here are some great ideas and resources for your classroom.

Fun Ideas

1. As a special 'polka dot treat' allow students to play a quick game of Twister if they achieved a behavioral or academic goal that day.

2. Make round, frosted cookies for a special treat to give to new students on open house night.

3. Cut circles out of floor tape (lurve this stuff!) and place them in a line leading up to your desk. When you ask students to come to your desk when they need to conference with you (or have work checked), they can stand on one polka dot. This will keep your kids in a nice line and if you space them far enough apart, it will help them give their neighbors 'personal space.'

Classroom Labels
  • Reading / Circle Time Area: The Polka Dot Patch
  • Teacher's Desk: Mr./Mrs. __________, President of the Polka Dots
  • Sink: Polka Dot Pond
Gadgets and Goodies

(many colors available)

I love this one, because each student could pick one dot to sit on. Easy peasy!

(Use for open house!)


Bulletin Board Ideas

1. Welcome to Class: I saw this idea on pinterest (but the blog is no longer active): On your door or board cut out colorful circles. Write the name of each student on a circle. Call the board: "Mr./Mrs. ____'s Polka Dot Patch!" 
adapt this tip I adapted from the ladybug theme post I wrote
Cut out colorful circles. On each circle, write a name of one new student. "Look Who We Spotted this year!"

2. Display Student Work: Cut out colorful circles and place them on your board. On each circle, write a student's name at the top with a dark sharpie. Use pushpins to display a good piece of work by each student. (Bonus: Use these polka dot pins!) Title: "Spot-lighting Some Great Work!" or "Polka Dot Perfection!"

3. Job Chart: Write job assignments on brightly colored circles. Display them on the job chart board. Write each student's name on a smaller circle and stick a velcro dot to the back (the 'soft dots'). Stick another dot on the large circle (the 'rough dots').  Stick the name of the student to the job they have been assigned.

Bulletin Board Sets & Borders       

Want some more great ideas? Visit my Polka Dot Theme Pinterest board.

Do you have a great Polka Dot Themed idea? Please be ever-so-kind and share it with us in the comments!

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