July 4, 2013

Using Music in the Classroom- Part 3

As someone who absolutely LOVES music, I just naturally brought it into the classroom with me. Through trial and error, I figured out a couple of fun ways that music could play a big role in making my classroom successful. I'll be sharing 8 of those ways over the next few weeks. Feel free to subscribe to my feed or follow by email (in the sidebar) so you don't miss any of them!

#3: As a (free and easy!) reward

What kid doesn't like a reward? And what teacher doesn't like a free and easy reward?

Well, it's your lucky day, because music is both free and easy.

There are a few ways you can use music as a reward incentive:
  • Allow the student to earn the opportunity to bring in their own cd to have the class listen to it (after it's been approved by you, of course).
  • The class as a whole can earn the opportunity to vote on what type of music they are going to listen to during an activity (piano, violin, Christmas, jazz, etc.)
  • The class can earn the privilege of getting to listen to music during their desk work or free reading time. 
  • The class can earn a 3 minute (one-song) dance party break. Each student picks a spot around the classroom and gets to boogie down to a fun, energetic song. 
Check out these other ideas for free and easy classroom rewards.

Discover the rest of the series 8 ways to use music in your classroom :

#1: Start the day off in a calm way

#2: Clean your room in 3 minutes
#3: As a free and easy reward
#4: To lower your stress
#5: To keep the room quiet
#6: To teach a set of facts
#7: Create smooth transitions
#8: Grab students' attention without yelling

How do you use music in your classroom?

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