July 6, 2013

Would you like to sponsor YTA (for FREE)?

Do you have a blog (big or small) or a company that you think other teachers could benefit from? I'd love to partner with you and have you join YTA as a sponsor!

I have many different sponsor options available in a wide variety of price ranges, so feel free to check them out here.

BUT....the thing I am most excited about is the chance to give 4 of you a way to advertise on my site for FREE. Yup, that lovely four-letter word that is so dear to my heart! 

Why in the world are you giving spots away for free?

As a relative newbie to the blogging scene, I was a virtual dummy when it came to setting up and marketing my site. I was the very grateful recipient of many online tutorials and blog posts dedicated to helping baby blogger like me. I'd like to pay that help forward, if you will, by giving other blogs and companies the chance to market their content without any out-of-pocket costs

This will most likely be a limited-time offer, but I am just going to play that part by ear. :)

One simple rule to follow, if you choose to take advantage of the free ad spots: Please only purchase one spot. I will be approving each ad spot and will only approve one ad per advertiser for the free spots.

Who will see my ad?

My lovely readers are mostly fellow teach-peeps who are looking for high quality content that is relavent to their teaching profession. Think you or your site might be a good fit? Feel free to purchase an ad spot...or if you hurry, you might be able to snag one of the free ones

Some facts about YTA:

(As of July 6, 2013)

Page Loads Last Month: 28,000+ 

Unique Visitors: 24,000+
Average from statcounter.com

Pinterest Followers: 17,000+ 
I pin each post to four collaborative education boards that have a combined following of over 16,000 teachers. Combined, my pins show up on a Pinterest board or search page an average of 26,000 times a day. This information was taken from the analytics page on YTA's Pinterest page.

Social Media Followers: 400+
Social media outlets are a very recent addition for YTA- this number is growing rapidly every day.

Check out my Sponsor page for more stats and info.

So how 'bout it? Come join the party at Your Teacher's Aide today! 

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