August 19, 2013

Pinterest: colored shelves for each reading level

It's your lucky day, because you get to benefit from my obsession love for all things Pinterest! During the Pinterest Inspired Classroom series, I will be sharing some of my favorite pins with you in the hope that it will make your classroom just a bit more Pintastic. (Get it? PIN-tastic? PIN-terest? Just a little pin-humor, for ya there. Heehee.)

And now for today's featured pin:

(Source Unknown- The link on Pinterest didn't lead anywhere. If you know the owner of this picture, please let me know so I can give credit to their genius!)

Well this lovely little pin might just look like a fun way to brighten up your classroom, it actually can revolutionize your reading corner. Let me explain:

Imagine a bookshelf where each section was a different color...and each color corresponded with a reading level. When your students are looking for a book to read that is on their level, they can just look at their color shelf! Simple, huh? 

You could always use colored contact paper to achieve this same look if paint is not an option.

I'm also thinking that having the color of each book somehow displayed on the outside of the spine would give you (and students!) an easy way of making sure the books stay on the correct shelf. Would a dab of nail polish do the trick? Or regular paint, maybe? If any of you have a good idea of how to color-code books, would you mind sharing it with us in the comments? Thanks!

Bonus Idea: Wouldn't a free and easy reward be to hand out a "Rainbow Pass?" Students could turn in the pass for the privilege of choosing a book from any color, not just their own.

Love this idea? I have a ton more on my Pinterest board. I'd love it if you'd follow me!

Don't forget to enter my back-to-school MEGA GIVEAWAY. There are items for every grade level!

How do you keep your classroom library organized?

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