August 23, 2013

Star Classroom Theme

Planning a star theme? Let us help! Here are some great ideas and resources for your classroom.

Fun Ideas

1. Super Star Incentive Punch Cards. Use these punch cards I talked about here to rewards students for completing their classroom job, doing well on a test, turning in assignment, etc. Use these cute star hole punchers to make this idea even more fun!

2. Get a star named after your class from the Star Registry. It can be called Mr.Mrs.'s _____ Shining Stars. Let your kids know each year about 'their' star. Have them give their star a nickname. Incorporate the Class Star into writing assignment ("describe a trip you took to our star" or "what would you wish upon OUR star?"), math problems ("Our star has five star friends and two of them went on vacation. How many star friends are left?"), and of course, science lessons. 

3. Shooting Star Club. Have students earn their way into the club each month by achieving a goal you set for them (certain number of AR book points, 100% turned in homework, A on all your spelling tests, etc). Treat the Shining Star Club members to a special reward each month. Check out this list of free and easy rewards to use in your classroom for some ideas.

Classroom Labels

  • On your door: "Welcome to Mrs./Mr.______'s Galaxy! See all the shining stars here: [put up student's names written on stars]."
  • Reading / Circle Time Area: The Milky Way
  • Teacher's Desk: Queen/King of the Stars: Mrs./Mr. _______
  • Sink: Star Washing Station. Keep those sparkles shining!
  • Coat Closet: Space Suit Storage

Gadgets and Goodies

Star Lights:

(Use for open house!)

Bulletin Board Ideas

1. Welcome to Class:
 "Look at all our shining stars!" or "Best Stars in the Galaxy!" or "Look at all the shining stars in Mrs./Mr._______'s Solar System!"

2. Display Student Work: Cover your bulletin board with dark blue or black paper. Use tons of small, metallic star stickers to create a solar system look- or use this fun nighttime bulletin board paper. Label the board "Look at our Super Star work!" Write one student's name on a star cut-out (like these) and staple those stars on the board.
 Use pushpins to display a good piece of work by each student's star. (Bonus: Use these star pins!)

3. Job Chart: Write jobs on cut-outs of clouds. Display them on the job chart board. Write each student's name on a cut-out star. Use a pushpin to attach the student's star to the job they were assigned. Fun bonus: 
Use these punch cards I talked about here to rewards students for completing their classroom job. I used this idea in my own classroom and it worked wonders in keeping our room running smoothly. 

Bulletin Board Sets & Borders       

Want some more great ideas? Read more of our great tips on classroom organization and subscribe to my feed so you don't miss any future tips!

Do you have a great star-themed idea? Please be ever-so-kind and share it with us in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I actually LOVE the idea of stars!! If I were an elementary teacher (I teach 8th grade), it would cover every square inch of my classroom :) These are some awesome ideas!!

    I just thought I'd share the idea of ceiling stars. They are, as the name suggests, stars for the ceiling containing target words such as the Dolch vocabulary/spelling words. I also use this in my 8th grade classroom to teach commonly misspelled words. My thinking was that a) it's empty space not being used and b) they are always staring up there anyway!
    Here are some links to the Dolch Words:
    1st Grade Dolch Ceiling Stars
    2nd Grade Dolch Ceiling Stars
    3rd Grade Dolch Ceiling Stars
    Middle/Upper School Commonly Misspelled Words

    Love the ideas, and fantastic blog!!!
