April 9, 2014

5 End Of Year Student Gift Ideas


The end of the year is right around the corner (or, at least, right around the corner that right after that corner...or something like that!). Here are 5 creative ideas for end-of-the-year student gifts:


I love this idea- in part for it's frugality (hey- gotta make those teacher salaries stretch, right?!), but mostly for how it is so personalized! This teacher gave an inflatable beach ball to each of her students. They took time on the last day of school to sign each other's beach balls with sharpies (here's some great metallic ones that would be fun to use!) 


Here are some free Have a Ball tags you can use, courtesy of A Sunny Day In First Grade (Thanks!)


The Polka-Dotted Teacher (aka- Jessica) made a thoughtful-- and budget-conscious-- gift to give her students at the end of the year using Wordle and black frames:

Read more about this idea here.


The lovely owner of the blog Tenth Avenue South shared this fun idea: Simply burn all the pictures you've taken throughout the year onto a recordable DVD, pop it in a case and give to each student. Take it one step further and set it to music using imovie (mac) or Movie Maker (PC). 


Oooh! I just got a picture in my head of a fun last-day-of-school viewing party where you can pop popcorn and watch all the fun moments you and your kids experienced this year. Love!
Here's the poem on the front in case you can't see it well on your screen: 

I'm glad I was our teacher,
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here,
I'm sad to see you go.
Remember all the fun we had
In all the things we did,
But most of all remember--
You're a very special kid.


This simple summer-days kit includes flour, salt, and a Kool-Aid packet. Just combine them all with water and a bit of oil and wala! Instant play dough!

Read more here to find out how Rochelle made these cute packs.

Your student's parents will be sure to thank you for this sometime around July when they are trying to find something fun to do to keep their kiddos from catching a case of the dreaded Whine-itis ;)


What a simple idea {but cute} idea.... and I love that it comes with a positive message too! Just attach this cute tag to a bottle of bubbles (or a bag of bubble gum for those of you teaching older kids). This would also make a fun gift to give right before you have a bubble blowing contest on the last day of school!


*Sigh* Reading all of these cute ideas is making me get the itch to get back in the classroom...but then my almost-2-year-old gives me 'big squeezes' and I'm content to be where I am again. So I will just have to live vicariously through all of you and your classrooms. Have fun planning all of your end of the year festivities!!

Do you have a fun idea for end-of-year student gifts?


  1. so happy that you used my pinterest picture of the beach ball end of the year gift!! i do it every year my classes always love it!

    1. SUCH a cute idea, Melissa! Thanks for sharing your picture on Pinterest!

  2. Loved your ideas I will do them for my students at home because they deserve it for all there hard work !
