April 7, 2014

RAK: Make Quiet Signs for Testing Days

During my first few years of teaching, I read a book by Ron Clark called 
The Essential 55. Besides being an extremely entertaining story, Ron talks about 55 'life rules' that he imparted to his students each year. 

The one rule that really stood out to me was Rule 11: "Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Go out of your way to do something surprisingly kind and generous for someone at least once a month. " My students and I decided that we would brainstorm and do a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) each month at our school and it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable parts of our year. While not technically *random,* these act were a great way to teach my students the value of being kind to others.

Want to join the club? Each month, we are going to highlight a different RAK that you can do with your class. You can choose to do this or any RAK of your choosing. Don't forget to come back and share with us how it went! 

This month's RAK:

Make "Please be quiet" signs to hang in the hallway during end-of-year testing days.

  • Use large sheets of poster board or bulletin board paper.
  • Have kids work with a partner to make their signs. 
  • Before they start, brainstorm a few ideas to help them choose an appropriate saying for their posters (no "Shut up! We're testing in here" posters for us, right?!")
  • Check with your principle to find out if there's places they can or cannot be hung. Some states have rules about what can be displayed during testing. 
Click here to find past RAK ideas.

It's your turn now! Go brainstorm a RAK with your class or use the one found here. Then come back and tell us how it went! 

Do you have a good RAK idea? I'd love to hear them! You never know...they might just be featured on YTA in the future :) 

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