February 20, 2014

New Year's Goal #8: Find your calm place

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at eight small changes we can make today in our classroom that will make this new year the best one yet! 

Find your calm place. The tone of the classroom is most definitely set by the teacher, so finding a way to stay calm and positive in a go-go-go kind of day is important. We each have different things that calm our nerves and today we are going to try to identify what they are and how to incorporate them into our day.


1. What part of my day stresses me out the most? Can I make a small change that will greatly diminish my stress level? Maybe arriving a few minutes early or staying a few minutes later to gather materials for the next day.

2. Does lighting make a difference to me? If I walked into a room with soft lighting or whimsical lamps, would my mood be lifted? Try a few small lamps around the room or fun, colorful rope lights or lava lamps. Just make sure they are fire-code approved.

3. Does a certain kind of music cheer me up? Could I play the instrumental version of my favorite genre while the kids are doing their independent work or during my planning period? My love for Christmas music is no secret- the instrumental version of holiday tunes were played year-round in my room (especially on the days when life felt a bit out of control)! Read more about using music in your classroom.

4. Do the people I spend my time with have a positive attitude? I have found that teachers often tend to complain about their kids or their district when they get together in groups. Another teacher and I occasionally chose to take our lunch break in our room together to avoid the negativity we often encountered in the teacher's lounge. It greatly improved my outlook and attitude about my job and was a simple change to make. For you, this might mean that you spend less time in the hall after the kids leave and more time in your room (which might translate to more time at home- bonus!).


Brainstorm a list of changes you could make in your day that would make your job more enjoyable and/or less stressful. 

Pick one or two to implement today and slowly add the rest as you figure out what fits into your daily routines.

What tricks do you have for staying positive and calm during your school day?
Join us next week for the next New Year's Goal! Don't want to miss out on the fun? Subscribe to my blog  or enter your email in the sidebar to receive updates.

Here are the goals we've done in this series:

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