August 12, 2014

First Day of School Activity: A Great Classmate List

One of the best parts about our job is that 'fresh start' feeling that always comes with the beginning of a new school year. Regardless of how we ended the previous year, this is our opportunity to set a positive tone in our rooms. During the series, I will be sharing a few fun ideas to make the first day of school a success! Be sure to subscribe to my feed so you don't miss any of them!


Create A Great Classmate List
I found this little gem on Pinterest (where else?!) Sarah shared this idea for the beginning of the year at Using My Teacher Voice. Super cute name for a teaching blog too, by the way. She uses this activity to encourage students to be aware of what kind of classmate they are expected to be in her room.

Why I love this idea:
  • It really gives the kids ownership of their behavior. 
  • It organizes behavior into 4 simple categories to help create an easy-to-follow model of what a 'great classmate' is.
  • It's a much more interactive, positive way of emphasizing the class rules at the beginning of the year as opposed to a teacher-led lecture on good behavior.
Are you a bit of a classroom management/organization nut like me? Well,  then check out thse simple classroom management ideas you might like too.

More First Day of School Activities:

The Teacher Test Game

Paper Bag Show-and-Tell (& Writing Project)
Before & After Pictures
Monster Adjectives
Make Birthday Posters

What's your favorite first day of school activity?

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