January 30, 2014

New Year's Goal #5: Use daily cleaning routines

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at eight small changes we can make today in our classroom that will make this new year the best one yet! 

Use daily cleaning routines. You've got routines for how to hand in homework, pack up book bags, and get in line...so why not have a few cleaning routines to keep your room looking spic-n-span?


1. The Rockin' Robin. I shared this fun, 3 minute way to keep your room grime and dust-free here. I can guarantee that the Rockin' Robin is going to make a debut at our house sometime in the next year! 

2. The Job Chart. Add some of the problem areas in your room to the job chart. Is the library always disorganized? Add a 'librarian' job to the chart and put someone in charge of keeping it organized. 

3. The Transition. Build cleaning moments into transitions that already exist in your day. For example: Students can't line up for recess until their desk is straightened and the floor under it is clean.


Look around your room and identify the trouble areas that seem to stay the most cluttered or dirty. 

Brainstorm a solution for that area that fits into your current daily schedule. 

Tackle one problem at a time and introduce your solution to the class. 

Do you have a good tip or trick to help keep your classroom clean?

Join us next week for the next New Year's Goal! Don't want to miss out on the fun? Subscribe to my blog  or enter your email in the sidebar to receive updates.

Here are the goals we've done in this series:

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