June 1, 2013

Monthly Rewind: May 2013

Geesh! I feel like I just said to my hubby: "Wow, is it May 1st already?!" This month absolutely flew by for us. I blinked and my daughter's birthday was here... then I blinked again and it was June! Somewhere between all that blinking, I managed to get a few blog posts in. Here's a look back at all the goodies on YTA for the month of May:

Friday Freebies: This month, we found lots of great free resources, like solar system worksheets and free summer printables.


Tornado Relief Effort was an easy way for us to give back to those in need in Moore, Oklahoma. I partnered with a whole group of fabulous teachers over at Teacher's Notebook to help raise money for the schools in Moore. Guess what the final total raised was? ....$91,635. Wow! You guys are awesome!! 

The Essential 55 book is one my favorite things! I shared why that's the case and also how it inspired me to start our R.A.K.s Club.

May was the month of the SALE! In honor of Teacher's Appreciation Week, I slashed the prices on all of my products in both my Teacher's Notebook store and my Teacher's Pay Teachers store. Oriental Trading also teamed up with us to give away one $100 gift card every day. If you did a much blinking as I did this month, I hope this wasn't one of the days you missed :) 

Our R.A.K. (Random Act of Kindness) Club got a new mission this month: Making Cards For Soliders. Want more R.A.K. ideas? See the mission ideas for past months here.

Our Summer Challenge 2013 kicked off with a bang! We enlisted student help, decluttered our classroom, and started planning out our upcoming school year. 

Monkey Classroom Theme showed us oodles of cute ideas for decorating our classrooms and creating bulletin boards.

How To Organize Your Classroom Using Recycled Items showed us how using items headed for the trash can not only save our planet, but save us some moolah as well! ('Cuz we all love having a little extra moolah around, do we not?!)

Read and Donate Books Online highlighted a site that allows us to donate books by simply reading stories from their site to our class.

Using 3x5 cards in your classroom taught us an inexpensive ways to organize our classroom using this everyday item.

It's been a fun month! Join us in June for the second half of our Summer Challenge 2013 and of course, more great teaching tips!

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