This summer, we are being intentional about spending just a little bit of time doing some things that can make a big impact on our classroom. Join us as we try to create a stress-free school year!
It’s about this time of year that I started dreaming about
long, hot, sunny days filled with ice cold glasses of lemonade, a good book,
and a comfy chair on the porch. Ahhhh. I could take a nap just thinking about
Summer was also the time of year that I just knew was going to be my most productive.
I made a list of things I wanted to get done before the next school year
started and placed it prominently on the front of the fridge.
With gusto.
Where I could see it every day.
So it could motivate me to actually get stuff done.
And I would look at it….as I opened the fridge to get my
aforementioned glass of lemonade. And I would briefly think ‘yup, I am SO doing that….tomorrow’ as
I grabbed that juicy new novel and headed outside.
Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with enjoying
your summer days, but when the school year started the next fall I always wished that I’d spent just a
teeny little bit of my lovely summer getting some things done.
So that’s what the Summer Challenge is all about:
Strategically committing just a bit of your summer in order to get something
done that will make a HUGE impact on your school year.
This year’s challenge is ….drumroll please!
Starting the Year Out
We are going to focus on things that will specifically make
the teacher workweek before school starts- along with the first three weeks- as
stress-free as possible.
Now, I can’t guarantee that you will have ZERO stressfull
moments next fall, but you will hopefully have a few less of those moments
at the end of this challenge.
Here are our 3 BIG goals for this summer’s challenge:
Super Goal 1: Do a mini-declutter of our classrooms before we leave for the summer.
Super Goal 2: Gather creative resources for the school year to make
planning time more efficient.
Super Goal 3: Plan the first three weeks of the year before the teacher work week!
Each Super Goal is broken down into much more manageable mini-goals. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know what our first one is. I can’t wait to hear how you all do with this!
Just joining us for the Summer Challenge? Don’t worry! You still have time to jump in with both feet! Here are the links to the mini-challenges we’ve accomplished over the last few weeks:
Following along with the Summer Challenge? Grab my button here:

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