June 29, 2013

Monthly Rewind: June 2013

June was the month of the identity crisis! Our little blog wanted to get all dressed up, but just didn't know what to wear.

She started out with this little number:

But something was just a little off, so she decided to go the dark and chalkboard-inspired route.

But then she looked outside and realized that life was all bright and sunshiny and such, so she opted for a lighter, more colorful outfit.

What do you think of her now? I'm fairly sure she's satisfied with this look now (and I don't think my schedule can take another site design overhaul, so she's pretty much stuck with it!) :) 

Here's some other things that were happening around our little blog this month:

Friday Freebies: This month was all about free cursive worksheets.

Favorite Things: Classroom Tips by Mailbox Magazine highlighted one of my favorite classroom management / organization tip books eh-vuh.

Fun (and Scary) Changes for YTA: Your Teacher's Aide got a little make-over this month, including the (scary-for-me) addition of these two little folks:


Before & After Classroom Makeovers showed us how to create a display area above our chalkboards.

I introduced you to one of my summer-theme products 

Using Music in the Classroom was a new series that kicked off this month. So far, we've learned how to use music to create a calm morning routine and keep our room cleaned in 3 minutes a day.


Making Summer Goals got us motivated to use our summer days to make (and accomplish) goals that work!

The Ruler Game is a great site that lets students practice their measurement and ruler-reading skills. 

Using Floor Tape In Your Classroom quickly jumped to the #1 all-time post on YTA! Check it out for all sorts of great ways to use this simple little tool. 

How Schools Can Raise Money Using Amazon gave you some information about the world's EASIEST fundraiser!

Teacher Humor: Room Mom Edition: we took a break from all our our hard-core 'serious' work around here to have a little chuckle.

Our R.A.K. (Random Act of Kindness) Club got a new mission this month: Making Treats For Teachers. Want more R.A.K. ideas? See the mission ideas for past months here.

The 3 Minute Classroom Clean-Up gave us one strategy for keeping our rooms spic-n-span...and keeping our students motivated too!

The MEGA HUGE List of Teacher Tips was launched! I'd love it if you would add your favorite tip!

It's been a fun month! Join us in July for the conclusion of our Summer Challenge 2013 and of course, more great teaching tips!

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