August 3, 2013

Monthly Rewind: July 2013

I have just thoroughly enjoyed my summer this year- from the (relatively) nice weather to the fun trips my family has taken...and July was no exception! The hubs and I went to Disney. Without the kids. (I know! I know! We're the world's worst parents and should be made to serve a lifetime sentence of watching back-to-back episodes of The Wiggles. I've been getting the guilt treatment all month from our family and friends. But we enjoyed it and we didn't have to go on the Dumbo ride or push double strollers in 95 degree heat, so I'm fine with it.) ;)

Here's some other things that were happening around our little blog this month:

Friday Freebies: This month we found a plethora (great word, huh?) of free back-to-school activities and math games .

Collaborative Pinterest Board: I did another first this month... I started my first collaborative Pinterest board called BEST Teaching Tips & Tools. Feel free to check it out or join as a collaborator.


I shared a few of my products that you might be interested in as we gear up for the back-to-school season: 

Using Music in the Classroom Series went full steam ahead with a few new ways your room could benefit from music:

Summer Challenge 2013: Goal #4 showed us how to plan out the entire year. Yup, it can be done! Check it out:

Summer Challenge 2013: Goal #5 showed us how my favorite *little* site, Pinterest, can help make lesson planning a cinch!

SpellingCity is an awesome site that allows teachers to put their spelling words online. Parents can access the words at home and students can take practice tests or play games with the words.

A Pocket Chart That Fits File Folders immediately became one of my new favorite things. Find out why I was so smitten ;) 

Using Bath Mats for Circle Time was a fantastic idea I found on Pinterest (and might just use for my Toddler Tornado!)

Apple Classroom Theme gave you some fresh, fall ideas for creating a cute apple theme in your room.

Our R.A.K. (Random Act of Kindness) Club got a new mission this month: Pick Up Trash. Want more R.A.K. ideas? See the mission ideas for past months here.

Save Money By Freezing Meals showed us how we can use these last few weeks of summer to save time and money in the fall.

It's been a fun month! Join us in August for the official kick-off of the new school year!

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